Photo exhibition and drawing competition for the conservation of the Hungarian meadow viper


A photo exhibition entitled “On and off the lawn: the protection of the Hungarian meadow viper in the Kiskunság” was opened in the House of Nature. The opening of the exhibition on 18 April 2023 was complemented by the award ceremony of the 3rd Hungarian meadow viper Drawing Competition.

The exhibited pictures provide an insight into the life of the highly protected snake and a snippet of conservation activities. The exhibition was opened by Dr. Zsolt Kalotás, nature photographer, who emphasized the importance of such exhibitions in the understanding of the species.

The exhibition consists of 27 photographs by five photographers – Bálint Halpern, Péter Hencz, dr. Edvárd Mizsei, Viktor Schneider and Zoltán Vajda.

Last year, for the third time, the Kiskunság National Park Directorate organised the Hungarian meadow viper Drawing Competition in schools near viper habitats. The winners were awarded during the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

The primary aim of the drawing competition is to help more children to learn about this highly protected reptile and to be proud that this rare species can be found in their neighbourhood. The competition attracted 123 entries from eight schools. It was not easy for the jury to judge the many beautiful and creative entries. The winners and their teachers received certificates and prizes.

Thank you for your beautiful creations! Congratulations to all the winners!

The exhibition of the photos and the winning entries is open until 8 May at the House of Nature.

The photo exhibition and the drawing competition are part of the project „A rákosi vipera természetvédelmi helyzetének javítása a Pannon régióban” (LIFE18 NAT/HU/000799).


Primary School Lower Secondary
1st prize: Hanna Réka Kocsis

Méntelek Primary School of Vásárhelyi Pál Primary School and Elementary Art School of Kecskemét
Teacher: Hedvig Gere

2nd prize: Lili Jóni
Herpai Vilmos Primary School of József Bem Primary School, Fülöpszállás
Preparation teacher: Margit Tengölics

3rd prize: Koppány Geleta
Szent Margit Catholic Primary School, Kunadacs
Teacher: Kissné Boros Veronika

Special prize: Makra Felícia
Vásárhelyi Pál Primary School and Elementary Art School of Kecskemét
Teacher: Hedvig Gere

Special prize: Panna Pocsubay
Kunpeszéri Primary School
Teacher: Edina Gudmon

Special prize: Áron Zsikla
Szent Margit Catholic Primary School, Kunadacs
Teacher: Kissné Boros Veronika

Elementary school, upper grade
1st prize: Szimonetta Malata Maja
Tatárszentgyörgy Ferenc Rákóczi II Baptist Primary School
Teacher: Petrányiné Kocsis Márta

2nd prize: Melitta Formádi
Méntelek Primary School of Vásárhelyi Pál Primary School and Elementary Art School of Kecskemét
Teacher: Hedvig Gere

3rd prize: Bori Kéri
Méntelek Primary School of Vásárhelyi Pál Primary School and Elementary Art School of Kecskemét
Teacher: Hedvig Gere

Special prize: Hanna Kovács
Kunszentmiklós Szappanos Lukács Elementary Art School
Teacher: Honti Rita

Special prize: Petra Szőke
Szabadszállás Petőfi Sándor Primary School
Teacher: Rita Honti

Special prize: Anna Lilla Babar
Vásárhelyi Pál Elementary School and Elementary Art School of Kecskemét Méntelek Elementary School
Teacher: Hedvig Gere