
The aim of monitoring is to estimate population size of Hungarian meadow viper in the area of Duna-Ipoly National Park, Fertő-Hanság National Park and Kiskunság National Park. Regular surveys are carried out to detect plant and animal species composition and distribution in order to have a precise insight on the quality of present and future snake habitats and also to learnabout the success of the released vipers.

In addition to monitoring vipers and other reptiles regular botanical surveys and inspection of potential hiding places (burrows) are also necessary. Research was conducted on orthopterans and small mammals, since these groups represent the main food source for the vipers. Information gathered on the present and future habitat can be used in future recommendations for “viper-friendly” habitat management plans.

Based on research we get a more accurate picture of the vegetation type, quantitative and qualitative conditions of the grassland structure and location of habitats of the Hungarian meaodw viper.