Project title: Viability improvement of Hungarian meadow viper populations and habitats in the Pannonian region.
Project acronym: LIFE18 NAT/HU/000799
Main objective:significant improvement of the Conservation Status of the critically endangered Hungarian meadow viper by restoring former distribution range of the species, wherever it is still possible, increasing number and size of populations, their extent and reducing fragmentation with establishment of ecological corridors.
Main activities:
Project duration: 01/08/2019 – 31/03/2025
Budget: 4 162 182 EUR (75% of this amount was co funded by the EU Commission)
Coordinating beneficiary: BirdLife Hungary
Associated beneficiaries: Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate, Kiskunság National Park Directorate, Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden
Co-Financier: Ministry of Agriculture
Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society MME BirdLife Hungary
H-1121 Költõ u. 21. Budapest, Hungary 21.
Phone/Fax: +36 1 275 6247
Hungarian Meadow Viper Project (LIFE18 NAT/HU/000799) is funded by the European Commission’s LIFE fund and the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture.
All content on this site
is copyrighted by BirdLife Hungary.