Exhibition about the Hungarian meadow viper


Today we introduce our mobile exhibition presenting the Hungarian meadow viper and the conservation program.

The 5-pieces roll-up set illustrates the Hungarian meadow viper’s brief history, its habitat, and life-history as well as providing an insight into the operation of the Hungarian meadow viper Conservation Centre. The exhibition aims to inform the public about this unique species and make the conservation program widely known. Therefore together with a presentation, it will be available to Hungarian kindergartens, schools, along with other educational and cultural institutions.

A bemutatóanyag országszerte elérhető, melyet térítésmentesen bocsátunk az oktatási intézmények rendelkezésére, igény esetén a rákosi viperát bemutató ismeretterjesztő előadással egybekötve, mely INNEN letölthető.

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