Season closing census at the Viper Centre


As the field season coming to an end, we checked the vipers born in 2020 by measuring their weight, length, and taking photos of them for identification. In this season 296 vipers were born from 28 females, increasing to 3515 the number of captive-bred vipers ever born in the Viper Centre. The average weight of newborn vipers was 2,7 g and their average length was 14,5 cm.

Did you know that no two vipers are ever exactly the same in every detail? That the shape and arrangement of head scales are unique for every single individual? This phenomenon helps us to identify not only live animals but even shed skin that can be used for that.

During the 16 years of operation, the terraria of the Hungarian Meadow Viper Centre became worn out so their renovation became crucial. At the end of October, the first phase of the renovation of outdoor terraria has come to an end. As a result, 70 modernized terraria has been built which enables us to safely accommodate vipers in the future.

Although the implementation has been made by specialists, we received plenty of help from our dedicated volunteers, as well as from the staff of Kiskunság National Park and of Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden. We are grateful for their help.

With the arrival of the cold weather vipers in the Centre started hibernation in artificial burrows. We won’t see them on the surface till spring.