Our exhibitions are roaming nationwide


Our mobile exhibitions presenting the Hungarian meadow viper and other native snakes of Hungary have been introduced at several locations, such as Sopron, Szalatnak, Kunpeszér, Budapest, and Miskolc.​

In the area of Fertő-Hanság National Park, the exhibition – combined with a presentation about Hungary’s reptiles – was displayed in more than 10 schools in Sopron and neighbouring cities and villages, thanks to the education officers of the National Park.

With the help of the staff of Kiskunság National Park schoolchildren from Kunpeszér and Kunadacs participated in special “viper-lectures” where they could learn about the brief history, habitat, and life-history of the Hungarian meadow viper. Besides they visited the Hungarian Meadow Viper Conservation Centre where they got an insight into the conservation work and the everyday life of vipers.

From the start of the school year more than 5000 children and adults could enrich their knowledge about the native reptile species of Hungary.

We also reached the broad public thanks to an interview by the Ozone TV channel. Although the program focused on the Common adder (Reptile of the Year in Hungary in 2020) the conservation of the Hungarian meadow viper had been also discussed.

Az év hüllőjét és a hazai kígyófajokat bemutató vándorkiállítással kapcsolatos tudnivalókat ide kattintva lehet megismerni, míg a rákosi viperát bemutató kiállítás menetrendjét itt lehet megtekinteni.