Handover of the farm with buffaloes and vipers: on May 24, we held the handover ceremony of the renovated “Buffalo farm” (Bivalyos-tanya).


The farm building, which was reconstructed from the LIFE HUNVIPHAB (LUFE18 NAT/HU/000799) project for Hungarian Meadow Viper conservation, has two main functions. Firstly, it will operate as a farm building, proper for host 2 herdsman, which will assure the pasturing and sectorial grazing. Due to the extensive grazing, the area became suitable for the Hungarian Meadow Viper on the long-term, while the farm building will provide better working conditions for the herdsmen. The farm receive its name from the buffalos introduced in grazing at 2020, which seems a good solution for the unwanted succession of the grasslands.

The second function of the farm building is environmental education and distribution of the project results. Next to the farm building 4 information boards were installed, where attractive infographs are showcasing the lifestyle, characteristics and the conservation actions of the Hungarian Meadow Vipers.

The ceremony started at the Country House of Ócsa (Ócsai Tájház), where the environmental education actions of Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate were introduced to the participants. The „small viper” fairy tale-path were presented, which is an education program within the framework of interactive hike with live presented tales, where the kids can learn from this strictly protected reptiles and their protection. During the program the mainly elementary school children will reach from don’t liked animals to fighting heroically for the rescue of the small viper.

The event gave the opportunity to the project partners, Kiskunság National Park Directorate and BirdLife Hungary, to present their communication actions regarding Hungarian Meadow Vipers. The roundtable discussion were followed by a walk at the Country House and the temple nearby, then the participants visited the Buffalo-farm. The farm building, the exhibition and the project site was presented to the visitors. Thanks to the conservation efforts the project site is ready for the Hungarian Meadow Vipers.

Beside the fairy-tale path, the Country House of Ócsa offers a variety of programs regarding Hungarian Meadow Viper Conservation. Visit our Viper Day, organized at 7th of September, and learn more about this small snake species!